Erica Parker
Erica Parker is a native of Greensboro NC. She graduated from James B. Dudley High School. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from North Carolina Central University.
Since 1999 Erica has specialized in Government Guaranteed Lending for Businesses utilizing the SBA loan products. She has worked for national and regional banks as well as the federal SBA agency. As Director of Small Business Banking with Triad Business Bank, her primary role is to work with business bankers, commercial bankers, commercial realtors, and specialty segment lenders in helping to provide SBA 504 lending solutions to their existing clients and prospects.
She currently serves as President of The Summit Rotary Club in Greensboro NC, The North Carolina Central University School of Business Board of Visitors, and the Community Housing Solutions Board.
Where Did the Money Go?
THURSDAY, SEP 8 — 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Forecasting is essential for the financial health of your business. We will discuss the common pitfalls most businesses make when projecting their business cash flow.